"Let's go outside? Outside? Please?"
It's not that I'm a mean person. And It's certainly not that I enjoy watching people beg. It's just that going outside with Dawson wasn't at the top of my agenda. Sylvia had just left for a week of study a few hours away, and I was feeling the weight of taking care of him all week, and covering all the other normal duties as well.
We made our way to the backyard, and it hit me- This was likely the last nice day of the year- we weren't even wearing jackets. After a windy weekend, there was a fresh layer of crisp leaves on the ground. We began playing with his bucket of balls, and sliding down the play structure. But the real fun began when he realized that there were so many leaves. I mean, who comes up with the best entertainment than God Himself. It wasn't long before we were laughing so hard, that he could barely stay sitting without falling over. We did this for a good while. Later, Auntie L came by and enjoyed the moment with us. These moments were the definition of joy.
I learned a few key personal lessons that day, not the least of which is this; It's never the wrong time to do the right thing. We're all busy. We all have things that should have been done yesterday. But what would I have missed that day?
So here I am, a week later, with this great reminder of the experience, and what do you know, there's snow on the ground! It's a good thing I took the time. But hey, that means now we'll have to start making snow memories, right? Enjoy your day. -t