Monday, October 27, 2008

A miracle

Dawson survived his opthamologist appointment quite well. Thank you for your prayers! We certainly felt them, as he only expressed his hunger for the first time when we arrived at the hospital. Now, this is very unusual for Dawson! The room Dawson was given provided us with privacy and a TV and DVD player. Some movies from home really helped the situation.

We struggled when we heard him say "Ow" when the medication first entered his body to sedate him, then about 5 seconds later, his eyes closed. That was pretty wierd!

The way coolest thing about the whole appointment is the Dr., who has known Dawson for longer than we have, was completely shocked. His prescription in his worst eye is 1/2 the prescription reading that he has always gotten. This means, either the Doctor got the prescription wrong about 6 - 8 times in the past, or God performed a miracle and healed his eye! None the less, Dawson can see much better with the one eye than we had anticipated, though his eyesight is not good in either eye, one was not far off from blindness.

Is this why he has been so aggressive - maybe his depth perception is off, or maybe he has headaches? Who knows. I guess, we'll find out when the new lenses are made in about 2 weeks!

Thanks for your prayers! -s

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