Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The pleasure of raising Dawson

What a joy it is to raise Dawson. I know, some days we think of what a burden it is, but some days are simply more joyful than others! I think a lot of that comes from the fact that we are blessed with respite and school, so can have a break. Then, when he comes home (and our break has been sufficient), we can be truly happy that he is at home.

Sure, we have his picture food menu prepared for when he comes in the door, takes off his winter clothes and immediately opens the fridge to say "Lets cut it". He then pulls the cheese off the top shelf of the fridge, marches over to the table to drop off the cheese, walks to the drawer and pulls out a steak knife. We quickly remove our own outdoor clothing, and run to his rescue. (Funny how the serrated edge on the knife feels really good for someone with Sensory issues! - Hello child!! I'll get the knife!) After we have a cheese snack, we have a fruit, and then some Rice Krispie cake, and then ...maybe it's time for toys. We march over to the living room and re-live episode after episode of Dora, Junior, Winnie the Pooh, Nemo and then Berenstain Bears. After about 1/2 - 3/4 hour, the adult in the situation usually has snuck away to either get something to read or work on, or is still engrossed in reliving these stories (yeah right!). Well, that's what life is like for someone who thinks in pictures - as most children with autism do. But you know what, he LOVES it when we spend time with him doing exactly this. Our one respite worker put it perfectly when she said something to the effect of "You'd think he had a carnival at his house the way he always wants to go there!" How true. And what a privilege to be the one going to the carnival with him. We even get food here...and when Terry cooks, it tastes almost as good as at a carnival!

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