Saturday, March 1, 2008

Incredible Intelligence

Our boy completely floored me today. He was happily eating his Rice Krispie cake after supper today when, all of a sudden, he started listing words in alphabetical order - correctly! It started "moon, nighttime, orange juice, Piglet, quilt, Rabbit, sun, Tigger, umbrella, valentine, wind, xylophone, yellow, zero" and so life went on as his mind.

I sat there, stunned! You see, Dawson has a book that teaches the sound-letter correlation using Winnie the Pooh characters. The real text goes: "M is for moon - shining at night, N is for nighttime - when stars look so bright." and so on. Here, our 5 year old selected the most important words in the text, and listed them in the order they are found in the book. And the book was laying-closed-on the shelf in the living room. Incredible!

This is similar to his photographic memory of movies. Often, when watching a movie, he will line up his teddy bears in a certain order, and we wonder why. Looking at the TV screen about 5 seconds later, we see the characters in that exact order. Then he shuffles them around, and we check the screen again, and sure enough - that's the new order they are in for this particular scene.

Maybe we are raising the autistic savant we initially (incorrectly) thought went with all autistic people! A little fact of interest. 20% of autistic people are savants, but 80% of savants are autistic. What a priviledge to raise him! Wonder what God has in store for this little guy! -s

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