Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Cry out to Jesus

Well, this is about as low as it gets. Every once in a while (3-4x per month), Dawson gets up this early. Not always this early, but today it just seems extra hard to take. 3:00 is a normal time for him to come to our bed every night, but today, as is the case once in a while, I knew by his wiggling, talking and hitting, that he was up for good.
My faith is being stretched, as I contemplate why God allows this to happen. Or why his little body can't comprehend that it needs more rest.
And the thing is, he keeps wanting to go back to bed, but not five minutes late, is up, wanting out of his room. In seemingly entire aloneness. I have no choice, but to trust God's hand- that this is somehow for His glory.
The words that are of strength to me right now at 3:30, 3:45, 3:48- are the words from a Third Day song- but they could just as well come right out of Scripture- "There is hope for the hopeless, rest for the weary and love for the broken heart. There is mercy and par den, grace and forgiveness, to meet you wherever you are. Cry out to Jesus. Cry out to Jesus." That's what I'm doing. -t

1 comment:

Carole Hiebert said...

P.S. Happy (1 day late) Anniversary!!