Monday, February 18, 2008

Make your own memories. Go swimming!

I have to share this great memory with you from a while back.
In the cold of winter, it's tough at times, to creatively do something. It's especially hard when boys like Dawson have a hard time in so many public places. So what to do?
Of all the public places out there, the only one where Dawson doesn't mind a lot of people is the pool. SO LET'S GO!
We packed up, and headed for the nearest indoor facility, and had gobs of fun! The neat thing about the pool, is that everyone can have fun, and that we did!
For a few bucks, you can get your whole family in, and usually stay for a few hours. Water has always been very therapudic for Dawson. As with many kids, they love the pressure that the water puts around their body, and the resistance that it give to their movement. Many therapists encourage water for various forms of therapy.
Anyhow, it's a small little story, but a great memory that we will store away, and surely do again in the future.
Now if only we could build a big poolhouse in the backyard....-t


visitor said...

I was encouraged to hear about your swimming experience. Please book it again and the bill is mine. Enjoy!! st

B. said...

Hi, your Uncle Ben sent us your blog address. Our 3 1/2 year old boy was diagnosed with autism. I have often wished we could meet some parents who share our challenges.