Thursday, March 6, 2008

We miss Daddy

For those of you who don't know, Terry has been on a business trip since last week Saturday. He returns tomorrow evening, which makes him gone for 6 full days. Dawson and I haven't talked a whole lot about it, but just before bed tonight, I commented that Daddy was coming back tomorrow. That must have triggered the emotions that he was feeling towards missing Terry.

He had a miserable time falling asleep, when he usually falls asleep instantly. I lay with him, I massaged him, I did everything I thought I should do. Eventually, I sat with him on the side of his bed and held him in my arms. I began talking about Terry and that he was on an airplane and he would come back tomorrow. I then prayed a short prayer for Terry. I began hearing Dawson whisper, so quieted down and listened, "Amen" "Amen" Dawson was repeating. I finished off the prayer, and Dawson's breathing INSTANTLY became shallower and his head dropped a bit in my arms. I held him for several more minutes, and he peacefully fell asleep. He missed his dad! How awesome! Yet how difficult to explain this to him.

I was so touched by Dawson's reaction to our conversation and prayer. God really does work in these little guys' hearts. What an awesome God we serve who gives us wisdom how to work with our kids, but also who is the God of peace. Have a peaceful, blessed night!

1 comment:

B. said...

That's so interesting. I read somewhere that people with autism have trouble understanding God because of their literal thinking. That's always been in the back of my mind. I remind myself the Bible promises God makes himself known to everyone!